Planning permission received

The Trust is delighted to report that planning permission from St Albans City and District Council has been received. This is a significant milestone in our journey to restoring the station building.

Details of the plans which have been approved can be found here:

The development permitted is for, “Change of use from storage room to Class A3 (cafe), reinstatement of existing windows and doors, insertion of 2 dummy chimneys and external repair works”.

Amongst the conditions, the A3 change of use permits us to be open to customers only within the following hours: between 0600 hours and 2300 hours on Mondays to Fridays inclusive, between 0700 hours and 2300 hours on Saturdays, and between 0830 hours and 23:00 hours on Sundays and Public Holidays. The Trustees felt that this should be more than adequate to cover all eventualities.

The full planning decision can be found here: