A great time was had by all

The sun shone as nearly 200 people turned out at the Parish Centre, Bricket Wood to enjoy our Launch Day today.

A big thank you to all who came along to support us. It was a great opportunity to meet new people, catch up with friends, discover what the community has to offer, learn something new or simply to rekindle memories of the past.

There are numerous people the Trust would like to thank including:

  • The North London Society of Model Engineers (NLSME) for providing the miniature railway
  • Bricket Wood Society for putting on the display and organising the dressing up (and the Abbey Theatre for lending us their props!)
  • The Watford Brass Band (originally and appropriately the London and North Western Railway Band) for providing great ‘period’ entertainment
  • The PTA of Mount Pleasant Lane JMI school for providing wonderful refreshments
  • The Bricket Wood Art Club for conjuring up some lovely ‘artists impressions’
  • The Abbey Line Community Rail Partnership for supporting us with funding for the event
  • The 1st St Albans Scouts for providing us with their marquees
  • The Building Research Establishment (BRE) for letting us have a small display at their open event the day before ours
  • The Abbey Flyer Users’ Group (ABFLY) for fielding a stand
  • Radio Verulam, Watford Borough Council, and Graham Newson of the Bricket Wood ‘Voice’ for helping us with promotion
  • The Parish Council for letting us use the Parish Centre
  • And last but not least….to all the volunteers who came to help us, in whatever capacity, great or small

Today showed that the level of support for our project is very high in the local community, which is what we’re all about.

We very much hope that this is just the start of many more such events and next year we may even have access to the station building itself – watch this space.

In the meantime please enjoy a selection of photos from today: